Can you tell when a flare-up is coming on?


I’ve worked with thousands of members of the Autoimmune Strong community from all over the world; people of different ages, genders, backgrounds, and autoimmune or chronic pain diagnoses. 

My diverse experience lends itself to helping people move past the stage of understanding what a flare-up is, to the point of even being able to predict when a flare-up is coming on.

What are the warning signs of a flare-up? 

Often, the warning signs are small and we typically push them aside. But if we know what to look for and we are in tune with our bodies, we can start paying more attention and learn how to prevent a flare-up. 

Look for cues like: 

  • Feeling “run down” or like a “cold or flu is coming on”

  • Exhaustion and fatigue, more than usual

  • The feeling of being “really stressed out”

  • Overwhelming feelings of emotions, feeling easily saddened or angry 

  • Intense sugar, salt or chocolate cravings

  • Intense hunger, or complete lack of hunger

  • Increased anxiety, depression or feelings of panic

If you start feeling the onslaught of any of these warning signs, then a flare-up is probably on its way. THIS is the time to start listening to your body and taking some rest time. 

It’s no easy feat to read our body and understand our signals. And even if we DO recognize the warning signs, it’s often difficult to slow down, to stop, and to rest and recover. 

BUT- if we don’t do that, problems will set in. Because if the warning signs are ignored, the real flare-up symptoms start kicking in and it’s too late for prevention. 

The hardest part about flare-ups is the toll they take on our emotions, our relationships, and our identities. In my darkest times, I struggled with exhaustion, physical discomfort symptoms, anxiety and panic attacks. 

I lived in a cycle. I would try to live my life the way I wanted, with no regards to my body’s limits. I would say yes to everything! And I would ignore those subtle indicators, I would keep pushing through, and soon enough the flare-up would hit and I would be stuck in a bed, with the lights out and a pillow over my eyes. I went from a person who enjoyed life, to someone who could barely muster up any energy at all. 

I said no to everything. Girls night out, date nights, playing with my kids, sex- everything was just too difficult. And this led to a symptom that isn't listed here, but is probably more catastrophic. That symptom is called shame. 

You see, all I wanted was to participate in my life fully and do all the things, but every time I tried, it would always end up in disaster. I felt like it was my fault; that I was lazy, broken, ruined, and that I was never going to get better. 

Do you feel this way now? 

If so, I just want to give you a hug through the screen and tell you that I see you, you are not alone, and that it does get better. 

There is a possibility for light at the end of the tunnel. 

I started Autoimmune Strong because I was lost. It jump started my journey back to strength and an understanding and appreciation for my body. From the knowledge I’ve gained through my research and training, I’ve come to realize that while our flare-ups may manifest differently, the right type of exercise can help all of us with autoimmune disease or chronic pain to live a life of more ease. 

Using 15-minute exercises that are easy to do at home, Autoimmune Strong provides a combination of strength, flexibility and mobility routines that will help your body regain strength, reduce pain, and increase energy. We do all of this while keeping you safe from exercise-induced flare-ups. I hope you’ll join us!


Andrea's Autoimmune Healing Journey


Our Three Most Commonly Asked Questions About Flare-ups