5 Signs You’re Ready To Start Feeling Good In Your Body Again


Whether you’ve recently learned of your autoimmune disease or chronic illness diagnosis, have been living with a diagnosis for years, or are just beginning to explore these topics as a possible cause for your symptoms, there’s no doubt that you want to feel better in your body. 

You’re probably at the point of experiencing regular flare-ups, where your body feels like it’s yelling at you to stop what you’re doing and hide under the covers! Living in this cycle of pushing your body to do what it’s “expected” to do, becoming exhausted, in pain, or frustrated, and then attempting it all over again the next day is no way to live. 

We often find ourselves frustrated and complacent, wanting to give up. Feeling like we just have to accept that our bodies will always feel this way, and that we have no choice in how our bodies feel. We often find ourselves accepting that we will live our lives uncomfortable and in pain.

I felt like this, just a few years ago. My body hurt, all the time. I was exhausted, all the time- except when it was time for bed, when I would experience anxiety and insomnia. I had trouble being my perky old self. I felt like I was faking it. I felt like I was watching my life pass me by.

And then, one day, something happened. Something changed in me, and I knew I was ready for something more. I woke up one day, in so much pain, and as I got dressed for just another day of sameness, I realized that I hated feeling this way, and I felt a fire in me like never before. I decided I was done with feeling this way. I didn’t know how I was going to make my self feel better, but I knew that I was ready to feel better. This was the pivotal moment when my life changed.

Here are the 5 Signs That You Are Ready To Feel Better In Your Body!

  1. Awareness: You are becoming aware of all the things that are happening around you, that you aren’t participating in. Awareness is the first step, opening your eyes to the life you are living, and acknowledging that it’s not the way you want to be living your life.

  2. Tuning In: You are recognizing that it’s your physical body that is limiting what you can do in your everyday life. You begin to tune in to how your body feels, rather than being numb to the pain. This feels terrible, but it’s actually a good thing, and it’s the beginning stage of learning to listen to your body.

  3. Dissatisfaction: Gone are the days of la-dee-da, going through the motions of resting, saying no, of being a spectator of life instead of a participant. You aren’t sure how you are going to make a change, but you know you aren’t satisfied with where you are at.

  4. Searching: You start searching for things that you hope might help you to feel better. You ask your doctors, your friends, your Facebook groups, and google.

  5. Wanting Answers: You are ready for answers as to why your body feels like this, and what you can do to change it. This is an inner readiness, and it’s hard to describe, but you know it when you feel it.

So, If you’ve found yourself saying:

I am ready to feel different, but I don’t know where to begin.

I’m afraid to make changes because in the past, I have tried and it didn’t work.

Exercise is probably important to break the cycle I’m in, but I don’t know what to do.

I deserve a life filled with strength, energy, and vitality. 

I want to say YES to doing all the things in my life that I want to do.

Then YOU are ready to begin your road to feeling good in your body!

Here’s the thing: You will always have an autoimmune disease (or multiple, if that’s the case). But it doesn’t have to always rule your life. There are lifestyle changes that you can make, small baby steps that you can do to begin feeling good.

But, knowing that you are ready is the first, most important piece of the puzzle. Because habit changes are hard to sustain, unless you have that inner feeling, that internal resolve to make change happen. It doesn’t have to be a loud booming feeling, a teeny tiny inkling that change would feel good is all you need! So, if you have any of these 5 signs happening in your life, then you are ready for good things to come your way.

If you feel that exercise is the way you want to begin your journey to feeling good in your body, then come join us! Click here to learn about our Autoimmune Strong membership options.


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